Spring Clean : Spring Cleanliness Is Good for Mind, Health and Home

Spring Clean : Spring Cleanliness Is Good for Mind, Health and Home

- in Healthy Lifestyle
spring cleanwoman cleaning the house

By  Jenn Samson Contributing Author, a passionate  freelance writer, and editor

It’s spring, time to clear your clutter!  ‘Brain fog’ can result from multiple stimuli in your visual field competing for neural representation , as discussed by the Journal of Neuroscience, causing a feeling of chaos to develop.  In time this state can lead to a decline in mental health.  Fortunately,  72% of people in the US spring clean every year.  Historically its origins may lie in welcoming the spring weather with renewed energy and enthusiasm.

This was particularly poignant after a long, tough winter where everyone’s energy was used up each day merely keeping warm, sustaining work roles and providing food on the table. The springtime cleaning activity clears the mind and provides a sense of well being associated with a clean and organized home environment.  It also supports good health as dust, dirt and potentially harmful mold are removed during a proper spring clean.

Popular products for spring clean

An All-Purpose cleaner is always a good choice as it avoids the need to buy so many different products.  It has grease removing capabilities and can be used for various surfaces including floors.  In recent years there was an amazing invention, the microfiber cloth.  No cleaning cupboard should be without this item now with its amazing ability to remove even microscopic sized particles of dust and dirt.

You will probably require a specific bathroom cleaner as it will clear soap scum, mildew and some even reduce limescale on surfaces.  Large amounts of limescale deposits will require descaling products to clear and restore shine.  It makes sense to use cleaning gloves when carrying out your spring clean as exposing your skin to cleaning products can cause skin problems and aggravate allergies.  You could consider using natural cleaning products and alternatives but it is still safer to avoid skin contact.  Soon your home will be deep cleaned and shining like new.

Spring de-stresser

Housework for at least 20 minutes duration has been shown to reduce stress and anxiety so this is definitely a positive outcome of your spring clean.  In addition, dust and pet dander can trigger asthma, especially in children, so by clearing and cleaning this, your home becomes a much healthier environment.  Your mental health and mood can also be vastly improved by clearing the clutter.  An organized environment can make you feel more in control and on top of everything and subsequently happier!

Happy you, happy home, spring cleaned

Once your spring clean has been completed you will feel renewed and energized. The physical activity involved in spring cleaning will be a bit like a work out therefore you will now be a little fitter too.  Enjoy the mental benefits and your beautiful home.  What better way to approach summer than following a full spring cleaned home.

Jenn Samson is a freelance writer and editor. She used to work in PR but has been embracing the freelance life for many years now. Outside of work she enjoys cooking, hiking and traveling to Europe as much as possible.

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