

Switch to Natural Candles to Avoid Health Problems

Natural Candles
Healthy Lifestyle
It’s been drilled into the heads of young people for decades about how harmful cigarette smoke is to your health, but Missouri pediatrician, Andrew Sledd, claims that an ...
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How to Achieve Your Healthy New Years Resolution in 2020

healthy new year resolution
Healthy Food Healthy Lifestyle
By Helen Bradford, Contributing Author , beauty, health and style trends for women expert Every year millions of people around the world take on a “ New Years Resolution ” to ...
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50 ways to be healthier

50 ways to be healthier
Guest Posts Healthy Food Healthy Lifestyle How to
If the costly health advice and recommendations you see in adverts and in clinics is making you sick, rejoice: there is a better way. While many conditions can ...
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Great Ideas To Make Teeth Brushing Fun For Kids

Teeth Brushing
Guest Posts Healthy Lifestyle How to
By Helen Bradford, Contributing Author , beauty, health and style trends for women expert True, it’s not always easy to convince our kids it’s important to do certain things and yet ...
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The Connection Between Breathing, Sleeping, Health and Weight loss

Guest Posts Healthy Lifestyle
Contrary to popular belief, Human health is actually a very subjective term with a plethora of factors affecting it, altering it and being dependent on it. Optimal health ...
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Stop and Flush Toxins from the Liver: 5 Things to Consider

flush toxins from the liver
Healthy Lifestyle
The liver has over 400 functions in your body, so it is normal to experience symptoms all over the body when the functions of this one organ are ...
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Good Posture : How to Develop Good Posture

How to Develop Good Posture
Healthy Lifestyle How to
Good posture is a key to overall health and fitness, but it’s easy to slip into bad habits. Here are four different areas to reflect on when it ...
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Spring Clean : Spring Cleanliness Is Good for Mind, Health and Home

spring clean
Healthy Lifestyle
By  Jenn Samson Contributing Author, a passionate  freelance writer, and editor It’s spring, time to clear your clutter!  ‘Brain fog’ can result from multiple stimuli in your visual field competing ...
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The Truth About Carbohydrates; Are They Good or Bad For You?

Healthy Food Healthy Lifestyle How to
The weight loss community is torn between those who believe that not all carbs are bad and those who stick by a belief that all carbs are bad’ ...
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