7 Superfoods with anti-aging effect

7 Superfoods with anti-aging effect

- in Healthy Food
@Kapil Dua
7 Superfoods with anti-aging effectSuperfoods with anti-aging effect

No one appreciates the idea of aging! Free radicals in the body are known to produce significant aging characteristics (Dark spots, sagging of skin, dull glow-less skin, lines and wrinkles, dry and patchy skin with open pores). You can deal with skin aging by opting nutrition. Just keep in mind whatever you eat should be fresh and full of nutrients. Try to avoid junk and ready to prepare food. Consumption of the following superfoods would prove to be the safest and healthy method to maintain a youthful appearing skin:

7 Superfoods with anti-aging effect

7 Superfoods with anti-aging effect
Fruits And Vegetables On Rustic Background
  • Grapes: Grapes are known as the powerhouse of antioxidants. Superfoods which are darker in color contains an enormous amount of phytochemicals and antioxidants. The skin gets protection from freely moving radicals by their anti-oxidant rich nutritional content. Grapes are loaded with resveratrol which further poses anti-inflammatory and anticoagulatory properties that assist in the fixing tissue cells. Manganese and vitamin C present in grapes fight against free radicals.


  • Blueberries: Recent studies have proposed that berries lower the inflammation and facilitate protection of dermal cells from inflammation which is one of major sign of aging. It would be better if you begin your day with berries or its smoothie. These are very easy to prepare and tastes nice as well. These are one of the best defenses as anti-aging. They are very rich in antioxidants and fight the harmful free radicals. So, including blueberries in your diet as this would leave you with picture perfect and flawless skin.


  • Dark Green Veggies: It’s hard to fight the nutritional value of green leafy vegetables such as broccoli, spinach, kale and collard greens. These are termed as ‘super veggies’ regarding nutrients including vitamins C, E and A and calcium that help against disease. These also loaded with magnesium, potassium, and phytoestrogen which make to reverse age-related tissue damage to body organ including skin.


  • Citrus fruits: These are very popular in terms to maintain the healthy cells. The intake of these products helps against collagen cross-linking and lipid peroxidation, which are both linked to aging of the skin. That is why Citrus food is known for its anti-aging property. Age spots and wrinkles can also be treated with citrus diet. Thus it is one of the power food to stay young. Along with the anti-aging properties, citrus fruits also contain vitamins for soft and glowing skin that improves your skin texture naturally and will give you a natural glow.


  • Sweet potatoes: Sweet potatoes come under the category of carotenoids. These reduce the risk of mature appearance with the growing age by serving as an indicator for a whole antioxidative complex of human skin. Go for carotenoids rich diet to ensure good health and skin. Factors such as stress, illness, UV and IR radiations of the sun, smoking and alcohol consumption reduce the concentration of the induced carotenoids. As a result, furrows and wrinkles will be there as the skin of individual owe low antioxidant levels. Hence, individuals with an elevated carotenoid level present in their skin looked younger for their age.


  • Curcumin: This is one of the most common spice and comes under the category of polyphenols. Substantiate the use curcumin in your dietary regimen. This can be included in your diet as a spice in powdered form or seeds. And can also be ingested by soaking curcumin seeds overnight in water. Gulping the water after straining the seeds next morning. Being a polyphenol, it has the power to alleviate age-related cellular damage which is brought by the metabolic production of reactive oxygen species (ROS).


  • Salmon: Salmon is the richest source of omega3 fatty acids. Along with it, iron and protein come Lack of collagen and elastin are the chief cause of wrinkles and sags to your skin. Oily fish such as salmon, also, aids the skin by proving the strong antioxidant effect. This helps to neutralize the unsafe free radicals which are one of the major reason for aging. Thus, the age-related decline is cured by ingesting oily fish and organ meat.


Skin is found to reveal the inner wellbeing status of an individual. These anti-aging treatments with superfoods would help us to slow down the aging process by reducing fine lines and refining the skin texture. Above was an outline to connect the two with nutrition (ingested food).

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