Natural Alcohol Detox

Natural Alcohol Detox

- in Home Remedies, How to
natural alcohol detoxnatural alcohol detox

Whom is the natural alcohol detox for?Addiction is a complex mix of physical and psychological causes, but for many people, alcohol is a form of self-medication, related to low levels of brain chemicals, such as serotonin, dopamine, and noradrenalin. Alcohol is the oldest intoxicant and addictive, in use for over 10,000 years.

Alcohol directly damages the liver, esophagus, stomach, intestines and colon, and greatly increases the risk of various cancers. It is a special risk to the pregnant woman, who should avoid it completely since irreversible fetal alcohol syndrome can occur at low doses. Alcohol is also involved with an estimated 60% of all violent crimes. Despite these negatives, only 20% of alcoholics can stop successfully.

Alcoholism can simply be defined as a constant urge or need to drink alcohol. An addiction of this sort is very common and it is a growing phenomenon which is responsible for causing a large number of deaths annually. Alcohol addiction is just like any other kind of addiction, wherein you get fixated or hung on to a particular activity or object such as gambling, eating and so on.

Alcohol when consumed regularly over a prolonged period of time, can have serious repercussions on one’s health. It is known to cause nerve, kidney and liver damage. In addition, an addiction of this sort can also affect one’s nervous system, which at a later point in life may develop into a more serious illness. Alcoholism also makes you susceptible to anxiety and depression, obesity and cancers of the colon, heart, liver, esophagus, larynx and mouth.
Withdrawal syndrome (with respect to alcohol) is a set or group of symptoms, witnessed when alcoholics suddenly abstain from drinking. They could range from mild shivers, anxiety, insomnia and nightmares to convulsions and hallucinations. These symptoms if ignored, can at times pose to be life threatening.

Here is  Natural Alcohol Detox to deal with withdrawal symptoms. Grapes are considered to be an excellent remedy for those that are trying to start with  Natural Alcohol Detox, thus have as many grapes as you possibly can in a day. Bingeing on grapes is what you would be required to do, to help fight the withdrawal symptoms. Consume a bowlful of grapes after every five hours. Another fruit that is also highly recommended for this condition is apple. It helps in reducing the urge to drink, while also flushing out toxins from the body.

Natural Alcohol Detox offers a valuable resource for the effects of, and addiction to, alcohol. Initially, there are herbs to detoxify and lessen cravings while reducing the symptoms of withdrawal.
Acorn tincture (Quercus glandis) or angelica can be used in all cases to create a powerful aversion to alcohol. Other plant medicines help repair the damage done, including liver herbs like milk thistle. Adaptogenic and tonic herbs can correct biochemical and neurological imbalances that contribute to drinking, by doing such things such as increasing the manufacture of neurotransmitters like serotonin.

Natural Alcohol Detox

1. Quercus robur glandium

• Diminishes alcoholic craving, antidotes its effects, such as enlarged spleen and liver.
Diarrhea may appear during this natural alcohol detox as a curative effect.
• Available as a homeopathic liquid under the name Ouercus glandis.

2. Angelica—Angelica atropurpurea

• Reduces craving or creates a dislike for alcohol; use 5 drops, 3 times daily.
• A warming circulatory tonic that relieves gas, bloating, colic, headache.
• Helps with enlarged spleen; anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic.

3. Calanatts—Acorus calamus

• Reduces the craving for alcohol; restorative for brain, nervous system.
• Relieves gas, cramps, distention. Improves appetite, helps exhaustion.

4. Cayenne—Capsicum frutescens

• Helps stop morning vomiting and gnawing stomach, reduces intense cravings for alcohol and promotes appetite; use in single drop doses.
• Reduces irritability, anxiety, and tremor and induces calm sleep.
• Delirium tremens, chills, exhaustion can often be speedily relieved.

5. Celandine—Chelidonium majus

• Specific for liver problems from alcohol; extreme sensitivity to, and bad effects from, drinking. Liver healer and detoxifier, even for cirrhosis.
• Calms emotions (i.e. anger, depression) during withdrawal or cravings.
• For general sluggishness, difficulty concentrating and mental dullness.

6. Hops—Humulus lupulus

• The sedative that relieves anxiety-related withdrawal symptoms; aids DTs.
• Helps irritability and restlessness, promotes healthy digestion.
• Relieves insomnia, frequent wakings; not suitable during a depression.

7. Khella—Ammi visnaga

• Ayurvedic herb that alleviates the acute and chronic effects of alcohol.
• Powerful antispasmodic and pain remedy. Used for asthma, angina.

8. Kudzu—Pueraria lobata

• Traditional use in China to sober a drunk person and for various side effects of alcohol (hangover, thirst, gastric bleeding, loss of appetite).
• Recent research shows it can dramatically reduce craving for alcohol.

9. Milk Thistle—Silybum marianum

• Protects against damage to the liver by alcohol, drugs, and toxins.

• Powerfully regenerates damaged liver tissue; essential for cirrhosis.

10. Oats—Avena sativa

• Excellent for weaning off alcohol, drugs, opiates, narcotics. Invigorating without intoxication or overstimulation. Improves clarity, focus.
• Restores proper nerve functioning; eases a racing heart or palpitations.

11. Passionflower—Passiflora incarnata

• Treats insomnia, delirium tremens or spasms related to withdrawal.
• Useful to induce restful sleep without producing hangover effects.
• Combines well with kava, skullcap, valerian, hops or Jamaican dogwood.

12. Quassia—Picrasma/Quassia excelsa

• Antidotes effects of alcohol rejuvenates the spleen. A bitter that stimulates appetite and digestive function; tonifies a weak digestive system.

13. Schisandra—Schisandra Chinensis

• Controls anger and aggression without sedation; combats depression.
• A liver tonic for hepatitis and an adaptogen that assists the body in balancing stress; effective for nervous exhaustion, weakness, insomnia.

14. Wild Lettuce—Lactuca virosa

• Produces a general sense of well-being, calms excitability, relieves pain.
• Mild sedative and cure for insomnia; safe for both young and old.

To prevent the patient from pining for stimulants like alcohol, it is most important to feed ample amounts of nutrients back into his body. To begin with this natural alcohol detox, the patient should be on an “all liquid” diet, preferably juices, for a minimum period of 10 to 12 days. This is by far the best home remedy for alcoholism to start with. As this fast will progress, the patient will steadily experience less craving. This will break his drinking pattern and preferably the patient should start on a diet of several small meals a day rather than three large ones.

Even after the successful completion of the juice fast, the patient should continue to have an intake of fresh fruit juices and plenty of water. A healthy diet for alcoholism must include foods such as wholegrain cereals, legumes, and pulses, fresh fruits and vegetables.

Initially, the patient might experience cravings and so an appropriate replacement may be given to alleviate the same. A glass of fresh fruit juice and eating healthy snacks like candy or Soya beans etc will curb his cravings which might increase the urge for drinking in the stages immediately after the treatment.

Source: Encyclopedia of Home remedies for better life

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