How To Stop Nosebleed With Home Remedies

How To Stop Nosebleed With Home Remedies

- in Home Remedies, How to

You are at home, at the office, or in the street with friends and your nose suddenly starts to bleed. Don’t be afraid.Sudden and profuse nosebleed is common. In many cases, the reason may be unclear, but nosebleeds can be treated at home. This phenomenon occurs in people with high blood pressure (hypertension).  A person who takes aspirin, anticoagulant (blood-thinning) medications and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can also bleed from the nose.  Bleeding can be due to trauma to the nose from an injury, too. Winter bleeding from the nose is caused by the drying of the lining of the nose as a result of dry air from indoor heating or outdoor cold air.

How to stop nosebleed

The most important thing now is to sit down regardless where you are (at home, in the street, in the market) Tilt your head slightly forward. Don’t  take your chin down to your chest. Maybe this sounds strange to you, but this is recommended because it allows the blood to flow out. Otherwise, the blood flows through the throat and into the stomach and can cause nausea and vomiting. After that pinch your nose for 5-10 minutes. If it is possible, put something cold on your nose. This will stop the bleeding. Visit the emergency care if your bleeding continues after that.

Natural remedies against nosebleed

Results may vary from person to person. What works for some people, does not work for others.

1.A nosebleed can be stopped if you put several drops of lemon juice in your nose.

2.If you often have a nosebleed, you can stop it by eating a piece of 2 cm aloe before lunch for ten days in a row.

3.You can prepare tea from 15 g thyme and 1/2 liter water. Strain the liquid after 15 minutes. Put cotton wool soaked in the tea in your nostrils.

Food as prevention

Nosebleeding which is followed with blood clot can result from vitamin C deficit. Foods rich in vitamin C are spinach, green salad, cabbage, avocado, banana, meat, eggs, milk products, olive oil, soybean…

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  1. I have just moved to a new country and the summer heat (for now i believe this is the reason) has been making my nose bleed frequently of late.
    This advice is so timely and i will surely put it to use.
    Thank you for the great informative post

    1. I’m glad you liked it

  2. A really quick remedy is to tear off a piece of paper and place it under your upper lip between the lip and on your gums. Leave if there until the bleeding stops.

    1. Thank you very much for sharing this remedy with us.

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