Learn how to change pessimism with optimism and  lower your anger

Learn how to change pessimism with optimism and  lower your anger

- in Healthy Lifestyle, Self-Improvement

Do you know how anger can affect your health?

The scenario: Jane and Anthony have different ways of seeing the world. Jane is a pessimist (the glass is half-empty), while Anthony is an optimist (the glass is half-full). These outlooks affect how they experience similar circumstances.

Scene 1: Job loss.
Jane is devastated, encouraging herself that she is all washed up, she can never capture a break, it is useless for her to try to succeed, and she is never going to prosper at anything.
Anthony, however, has a much healthier internal discussion. He informs himself he might not have readied for that particular task, his skills, and his business’s needs did not fit together and were fired was only a temporary setback in his career.

Scene 2: New jobs.
Offered a new job, Jane, the pessimist, believes she could discover a brand-new task just because her industry is now really desperate for people and should have decreased their standards to employ her.
Anthony, nevertheless, feels he landed the new task because his skills were lastly acknowledged and he will now be appreciated for exactly what he can do.

As these examples highlight, optimists tend to analyze their troubles as transient, specific and manageable to situations. Current research by Dr. Martin Seligman validates this.
When advantages occur, optimists believe the causes are irreversible, arising from capabilities and qualities. Optimists, even more, think that great occasions will improve whatever they do.

Pessimists, on the other hand, believe their difficulties will last forever, will undermine whatever they do, and are mostly beyond their control. They see them as temporary and triggered by specific elements that will eventually lead and alter to negative outcomes when advantages happen to pessimists.

Optimism creates much better resistance to depression when bad events strike, much better efficiency at work and better physical health.
One long-term research study at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN, found that optimists lived 19% longer than pessimists.

Optimism is also an effective remedy to anger. Numerous participants in our anger management classes report their anger lessening as they discover how to replace negative thinking with positive thinking.

Learn how to change pessimism with optimism and  lower your anger

Here’s some excellent news for unfavorable thinkers: You can learn ways to change pessimism with optimism.
The beginning point is to access your vulnerability to cynical thinking by taking the self-evaluation test you can find at www.authentichappiness.org
Your responses will be compared to thousands of other people in numerous categories, down to your Zip Code.
If you scored lower than you ‘d like, you can become more optimistic. As Dr. Seligman composes in Authentic Happiness, his most current book: ‘the quality of optimism is learnable and changeable.’

There is now a well-documented technique for constructing optimism. It’s based on first, acknowledging, and then challenging pessimistic ideas.
People often do not take note of their ideas and thus do not recognize how destructive they can be in causing hostile feelings. The key is to recognize your downhearted thoughts and after that treat them as if they were uttered by somebody else– an external person, a rival, whose mission in life is to make you miserable!
You can end up being an optimist by discovering how to disagree with yourself– challenging your downhearted thinking patterns and replacing them with more favorable patterns.

Keep in mind: This view of positive thinking is not the process of ‘positive thinking’ in the sense of duplicating ridiculous affirmations that you do not believe.
Rather, it is the process of remedying malfunctioning or distorted thinking patterns that develop the profession, relationship and health problems for you.
By teaching yourself to think of things differently (however just as realistically), you can change yourself from a pessimist to an optimist– and tame the Anger Bee while doing so.

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