Get ready for a more confident you! Part Two

Get ready for a more confident you! Part Two

- in Healthy Lifestyle, How to, Self-Improvement
Get ready for a more confident you! Part TwoGet ready for a more confident you! Part Two

Thanks for joining us and welcome to the course =>Get ready for a more confident you!

Last time, we discussed the power of networking in order to boost your confidence. Another thing that can enhance it is to learn new skills.

Learning new skills to become more confident

There are several reasons why you might wish to add to your skills set. Let’s look at a few of the main ones.

To Play Catch-Up

If you have had any gaps in your employment – due to being a stay-at-home parent for several years, for example, you might feel very nervous about going back to work full time. Depending on the niche or industry you work in, things might have also moved on considerably in the past few years. A refresher course or course on the latest techniques can help. So can getting certification, to prove you’ve attained a certain level of achievement will help you to become more confident.

To Enhance Your Career

Learning new skills can help you advance your career. You might take a course in becoming a better leader in order to prepare for a managerial role in your company or a better position at another company.

To Stretch Yourself

Studies have shown that the best leaders can be described as lifelong learners who are curious and not afraid to ask questions and seek more knowledge. Studying at college could feel very restrictive. Once you have graduated, however, you’re free to study whatever you like. Start with some of the free courses from top universities like Yale and MIT and see how you like them.

To Enhance Your Personal Development

If you are struggling with a particular area in your life, such as shyness, working on your interpersonal skills can help you grow in confidence. Maybe you have trouble talking to others when you are in romantic situations. Perhaps you hate speaking in public, and giving presentations at work is like torture for you.

The good news is that classes, coaching, and practical experience can help you improve. There’s no longer any need to hold back or live up to less than your full potential because of your self-limiting beliefs. If you think you can, then you probably can. It’s just a case of trying and improving your skills.

No one ever masters walking when they first try. It usually involves falling on your butt a few times until you finally start to succeed. A few bumps won’t kill you. The important thing is to try, and know you are the master of your own fate.

Making the Most of Various Opportunities

Don’t hold back if free training is offered in the workplace. It will help you stretch yourself, and meet with all new people you can network with.

Surrounding yourself with positive people can be another great way to boost your confidence. Let’s look at this topic in the next part.

Until next time,

In case you missed it here is

Get ready for a more confident you! Part One

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