Learn Bronchitis Symptoms And How To Treat  Bronchitis

Learn Bronchitis Symptoms And How To Treat  Bronchitis

- in Home Remedies, How to
Learn Bronchitis Symptoms And How To Treat BronchitisLearn Bronchitis Symptoms And How To Treat Bronchitis

What is Bronchitis?

Bronchitis is an inflammation or obstruction in the bronchial tubes. This inflammation results in a buildup of mucus, along with coughing, fever, pain in the chest area and / or back, fatigue, sore throat, difficulty breathing, and, often, sudden chills and shaking. Bronchospasm, a contraction of the smooth muscle in the walls of the bronchi, may also occur. Swelling of the mucous membranes and hypersecretion by the bronchial glands frequently accompany bronchospasm. In this page you will find many acute bronchitis natural cures.

Types of Bronchitis

Bronchitis can be either acute or chronic.

Acute bronchitis is usually cause by an infection, which can be bacterial, viral, chlamydial, mycoplasmal, or caused by combination of agents. It typically follows an upper respiratory tract infection, such as a cold or influenza. In acute bronchitis, bronchospasm is more often associated with viral (rather then bacterial) infection.
Most cases of acute bronchitis are self-limiting, with full recovery in a matter of weeks. But recovery time can be shorten by using acute bronchitis home remedies. In some cases, however, the condition can lead to pneumonia. This is more likely to occur in those who also have chronic respiratory disease or other debilitating health problems.

Chronic bronchitis results from frequent irritation of the lungs, such as from exposure to cigarette smoke, air pollutants, or other noxious fumes, rather than from infection. Allergies may also be the cause of chronic bronchitis. Chronic bronchitis diminishes the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the lungs, so the heart works harder in an attempt to compensate. Over time, this can lead to pulmonary hypertension, enlargement of the heart, and ultimately heart failure.

Asthma bronchitis naturist treatment are very common and this page was created to offer you an alternative or complementary treatment for asthma bronchitis. Herbal medicine has proven to be very effective in the treatment of acute and chronic bronchitis. The following treatments may be very useful in alleviating some of the symptoms.

What is bronchitis Symptoms?

Symptoms of bronchitis range as follows:
· Dry, congested cough or mucus-producing cough

· Wheezing or shortness of breath, especially after exertion

· Low fever

· Fatigue

· Blue-ish lips from insufficient oxygen flow

· Other respiratory infections

· Bronchitis can involve all 3 bad guys – bacteria, virus and fungus, especially when
occurring after another infection. For example, bronchitis is very common following a
sinus infection due to the post-nasal drip of thickened mucus.

· If antibiotics were taken for sinus or other infections, and there were no signs of
bronchitis before, chances are the bronchitis started from overly thick mucus reaching the
bronchi and attracting fungal yeast. This yeast can congregate in the sinus and respiratory
mucus membranes and make the discharge even thicker and harder to remove.

· Antibiotics often lead to yeast infections because they kill “friendly” bacteria along with
the bad. The balance of our body’s good and bad bacteria is important to our immune
system and helps prevent infections.

Diet & Habit

· Eliminate dairy products – milk, cream, cheese, ice cream – sugar and sugary desserts,
and minimize breads, pastas. All these foods cause mucous buildup and encourage yeast.
Health food stores have some great replacements.

· Eat garlic or take garlic tablets! Garlic has natural antibiotic, antifungal properties.
· Drink only hot beverages to break up phlegm.

· Don’t smoke! Heavy smokers should also go outside the house to protect their loved ones– second hand smoke can cause bronchitis.

How to treat  Bronchitis with Home Remedies

1. An effective home remedy is the mixture of dried ginger powder, pepper and long pepper taken in equal quantities of a quarter teaspoon three times a day with honey. The powder of these three ingredients have anti -pyretic qualities and are effective in dealing with fever accompanied with bronchitis. They also tone up the metabolism of the patient.

2. Onion has been used as a home remedy for centuries in bronchitis. It is said to possess
expectorant properties. It liquefies phelgm and prevents its further formation. The intake
of half a teaspoon of raw onion juice first thing in the morning will be beneficial in such

3. American and Siberian ginseng are especially good for the lungs. They clear bronchial
passages and reduce inflammation. Important: Do not use American ginseng if you have
high blood pressure or any other heart problem.

4. Both American ginseng and Siberian ginseng clear the bronchial passages and reduce

5. A soup prepared from drumstick leaves is also highly beneficial in the treatment of
bronchitis. This soup is prepared by adding a handful of leaves to 150 ml. of water which
has been heated to a boiling point. The water is allowed to boil further for five minutes. It
should then be removed from fire and allowed to cool. A little salt, pepper and lime juice
may be added to this soup. This drink should be taken first thing every morning.

6. Bromelain in tea form; it helps liquefy and decreases bronchial secretions; It also
prevents the progression of bronchitis and sinusitis. Take 250 to 500 mg. 2 to 3 times a
day between meals.

7. Coltsfoot relieves acute congestion’s and hoarseness. Take only over the course of one week then discontinue. Make a tea in one cup of water and take 3 times a day.

8. Lobelia breaks up bronchial congestion and stops wheezing. Take 500 – 1,000 mg capsules 3 times a day. Use only for two weeks and discontinue.

9. Colloidal silver is a natural antibiotic that destroys bacteria, viruses, and fungi. It also promotes faster healing. Take as directed on the label, alternating one week on and one week off.

10. Chicory or endive is another effective home remedy for bronchitis. The powder of the dry root of this herb should be given in doses of half a teaspoon mixed with one teaspoonful of honey thrice daily. It is a very useful expectorant in chronic bronchitis.

11. Pycnogenol removes dangerous substances and protects the lungs. It is also a powerful antioxidant.

12. Take Quercitin-C 500 mg 3 times a day. It is used for allergic bronchitis, it has an antihistaminic effect.

Source: Encyclopedia of Home remedies for better life

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